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Elegant Female
Mature Woman
Smiling Young Woman
Portrait of a Confident Woman
Woman with Eyeglasses


A free listing service provided by SmartDeps to help court reporters, proofreaders and scopists connect with one another.

Get Listed with SmartDepsConnect

Proofreaders, Scopists and Court Reporters,

You want to be as visible as possible, we get that. By listing on SmartDepsConnect, you’ll have the maximum amount of exposure from industry professionals throughout the country.

It's 100% free!

It's true, the best things in life are free.


The most information:

List your photo, bio, rates, contact information, and previous testimonials.


Customer reviews:

We use customer reviews along with star ratings to help you stand out from the crowd.


Social media spotlight:

Every listing is highlighted on our social media platforms including Twitter and Facebook.


Not just a stand-alone listing:

We are a transcript production service, so court reporters have a purpose for visiting our website.

Get listed today!

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